Monday, August 16, 2010

Vegetables, Cooked Three Ways

These are vegetables cooked three ways! Three different vegetables, three different cooking methods. But all equally delicious! Every so often when I have vegetables that I need to use before they go bad, I will just make a dinner full of different types of vegetables, cooked in different ways, so there is still a lot of variety, textures and flavors in the meal. Here is an example of one of those evenings!
So, here are the different methods that I think show off these vegetables at their best!

Parmesan Asparagus
~Parmesan Cheese
~Salt & Pepper

Fill a saute pan with an inch or so of water, add the Asparagus and steam for a few minutes. Then, drain the water out, and add a little butter. Then saute with the parmesan cheese, salt and pepper for a minute or two. The parmesan cheese melts onto the asparagus, it is so amazing! It is by far my favorite way to eat asparagus and it is so fast and easy! You will never prepare it another way again! It is that good, and the kiddos love it with the parmesan- especially if you let them add it in the pan!

Roasted Broccoli
~Olive Oil
~Herbs de Provence
~Salt & Pepper

Place the broccoli on a cookie sheet, drizzle olive oil over the top and add salt and pepper and sprinkle on the Herbs de Provence. Then, roast them in the oven at 400 degrees for around 15 or 20 minutes. This is my most favorite way to eat broccoli, it transforms a pretty average vegetable into a delicious treat!

Brown Sugared Butternut Squash
~Butternut squash, cubed
~Brown Sugar
~Salt & Pepper
~chopped pecans, optional

Place the butternut squash on a cookie sheet and rub them with a little butter and brown sugar. Add a little salt and pepper. Then, bake at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes, until they are tender and caramelized. And if you want a little extra treat, sprinkle on some chopped pecans when there is about 5 minutes left. This recipe is more of a dessert than anything, I think that this is how they were meant to be prepared! The are gooey, caramelized perfection!

1 comment:

  1. I love broccoli and I had no idea that you could cook it that way. I will def have to try it! Thx Linds!
