Thursday, August 12, 2010

Roasted Brussels Sprouts...Trust me on this one!

I absolutely LOVE brussels sprouts, but there is one catch...they must be prepared this way and this way alone! I don't like them if they are prepared any other way. If they are prepared this way though, than I feel like they are such a treat. Like chocolate...I know, I know, but it is true. And Mitch LOVES them also! Sometimes for dinner, I make only brussels sprouts and we just go to town! Just try them, they are so good prepared this way!

~Brussels Sprouts
~Olive Oil to drizzle
~Salt and Pepper to taste
~Herbs de Provence
~Balsamic Vinegar to lightly drizzle

So, I peel the outside layer off and then cut them in half and lay them on a cookie sheet. Then I drizzle olive oil all over them and add salt and pepper and sprinkle on the Herbs de Provence. (My favorite dried herb mixture!)

Then roast them in the oven at 400 degrees for around 20 minutes. Just check them by poking them with a fork to see if the middle is soft.

Finally, when you take them out and lightly drizzle them with Balsamic Vinegar...Heaven!!!

1 comment:

  1. hmm interesting. i'll have to try this :)

    i can't remember if you like fish, or if you did before you stopped eating meat... BUT my new favorite is scallops...grilled with lemon and salt and lots of butter before grilled. those to me are like chocolate.
