Saturday, March 27, 2010

Puffy Pancakes, also known as German Pancakes

Puffy Pancakes as my family calls them are also known by most as German Pancakes...but whatever they are called, they are DELICIOUS! This is one of the easiest breakfasts to make and it is one of my absolute favorites! I am kind of obsessed with them! We make them for birthdays and Valentine's Day and just whenever. And they are always a hit! We can't get enough!

6 eggs

1 cup flour

1 cup milk

1/2 tsp salt

1/3 cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla

3/4 of a cube of butter

Melt the butter in a 375 degree oven in a 9x13 glass pan. Put all of the ingredients except the butter in a blender and blend until smooth. When the butter is melted pour the batter into the hot pan and bake for 20-25 minutes until it is puffy and golden in color. Serve with homemade maple syrup and strawberries.


1 cup brown sugar

1 cup white sugar

1 1/4 cup water

2 tsp Mapeleine (you can usually find this in any store- it is in a little bottle near the vanilla)

1 Tbsp butter, optional

Boil sugars and water for 5 minutes, make sure the sugar is dissolved and not grainy, and then add the Mapeleine and butter.


  1. Yum, german pancakes are my fav!

  2. Those look delish!!! I want some right now. :)

  3. So funny that you posted this recipe....I wanted to find a good one to make on Easter morning :) so i'll give this one a go (and the magelby's syrup recipe too0

  4. I'm so glad you're back!! I've made like four things from your blog in the last few weeks!! And I bought buttermilk today to try out Gigi's waffles tomorrow morning - can't wait!

    This is one of my favorite breakfast recipes!! I've been able to cut the butter down to 2 tablespoons, and still get a puffy pancake!!

  5. Drew & I have made these probably 3 times in the last 2 weeks. One time, he actually made it because I was too tired to. But they're THE BEST! And they're even still so delicious with gluten-free flour.

    keep posting missy! i love your recipes!
